

No matter the service you require we have the specialists to fulfill your needs. We cover the entire spectrum of household construction from the foundation to the rooftop. With over 30 years of experience in this field, we can do the following and much more on your house:

As you can see, we can do any installation or repairs on your home, whether big or small. Our team consists of separate teams that are each specialists in their area. When you work with Montclair Construction it is always done in three steps. First, you schedule a free consultation with an estimator. Second, you meet with the estimator and describe to him the job you want done, he will inspect your property and tell you how long the job will take and the cost of the entire job. Third, the team best suited for your job at Montclair Construction will work on the job to meet your specifications and expectations within the timeline you were given by the estimator.

This is done for all jobs. Before work begins, you will know how long the job will take and how much it will cost.

We do not outsource any of our work to other companies. This helps keep costs down because we do not pay commissions. Our workers have proven time and time again that they get the job by themselves, on time, and without any problems. That’s what you can expect.

Work Philosophy

We believe that hard work and honesty pay off. We’ve seen many construction companies come and go throughout the years due to “cutting corners” and bad workmanship. We know that this is bad for everyone and no one is happy in the long run. That is one of the reasons we pride ourselves in doing the job right with the best materials. We do not just want you to have your house looking good the day after our work is done, but we want your house’s beauty and value to continue down through the decades.

Working in Oakland and the surrounding areas as a construction company is a rewarding job because we are restoring the natural beauty of the area. One remodeled house is a step forward for us, as a community, to be proud of.

Give us a call at (510) 547-2457 or schedule to meat for a free estimate.. We never charge to meet with you and discuss your project of any size.
Schedule an estimate

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