Water damage Repair Can start from $5000.00 dollars and go up to Hundreds of thousand of dollars, in the event of a Landslide repair.
Can you afford to take another loan? Can you afford not to prevent this from happening to your house?
Plumbing leaks, unsealed foundations, Roof Leaks and Window leaks, it all can lead to a disaster if not taken care of at the right time.
What Causes Water Damage?
Water Damage occurs when the water around the foundation of your home exceeds the capacity of removal systems to drain it. It can occur from surface water seeping into foundation walls or sewer systems overflowing up through drains in the basement. And inadequate Subsurface French drains and Blockage in the rain water runoffs and Improper Roof and Siding maintenance.
Preventing Water Damage:
- Maintain gutters and downspouts, keeping them free of debris and leaves and repairing them if they are sagging. Install Gutter grates to prevent them getting Clogged and useless.
- Inspect your gutters’ capacity, after fifteen minutes of heavy rain, if water overflows the gutters, install additional downspouts, be sure to have them cleaned of derbies.
- Extend downspouts at least ten feet away from the house, by installing Surface or subsurface Drain pipe that caries it away from the house Foundations.
- Adjust landscaping and irrigation so that water flows away from the foundation, And slope the soil so water runs away from the footings not towards them.
- Drain subsurface groundwater and storm water with a sump pump system that has battery backup and replacement warnings. And have the system tested yearly.
- Maintain and Run your sump pump every few months and clean it before and after the rainy season.
- Prevent back flow of sanitary sewer water by installing back-flow valves and standpipes at all basement drain locations, including sinks and toilets.
- Prepare your basement “just in case” by raising your washer, dryer, water heater, furnace, all electrical wiring and personal items above typical water backup levels.
Recovering From Water Flooding and Baking up.
- Remove standing water immediately to prevent structural damage.
- Dry all wet carpets, rugs and personal belongings to prevent mold growth.
- Sanitize all areas and materials in contact with sewer water.
- Consult Us and we will determine the extent of repairs if necessary.
San Francisco Bay Area is subject to a lot of water damage recently. It’s all to do with the weather, and the neighboring house water run off on the hillside.
How water damage will leave your pockets empty!
The estimate to fix a simple water damage Can start from $5000.00 dollars and go up to Hundreds of thousand of dollars, in the event of a Landslide.
The owner of some houses had to take out a loan in order to pay for renovation of the house after the damage was done.
Can you afford to take another loan? Can you afford not to prevent this from happening to your house?
Plumbing leaks,unsealed foundation, improper Roof And Siding maintenance, Improper water run offs and poor Drainage systems can lead to a disaster if not taken care of at the right time.
We at Montclair Construction are always here to help you find possible sources of leakage. If you are unsure is your house safe guarded enough from it, call today for a free quotation.